
Meditation proves elusive for many of us, so we find solace in t’ai chi’s breathing, postures and movement to ‘eliminate random thoughts’. That can be the rub – quieting the mind from the noises, stresses and worries of everyday life. T’ai chi opens the gateway immediately to all in the search for ways to meditate. With quiet standing we can simply count our breaths, slow, quiet and continuous and concentrate our minds on our dan-tiens (centers). Easier said than done, we help each other by practicing ‘moving meditation’ with our t’ai chi and qi-gong exercises together.  As quickly as possible, we try to share techniques and integrate the t’ai chi instruction with letting go of random thoughts, and worse, worries, that clutter our minds and distract our living in the moment.  Sooner rather than later, we discover that simply practicing t’ai chi provides a meditative path to promoting centering, calm and tranquility.